Professional’s are not created overnight. Make each day count!

Edit: This was my first post with WordPress. Now that I’m getting the ‘hang’ of how it works, I need to go back and make something worth reading. I’m sure we’ve all heard a few lectures on reaching goals. But I’m more interested in hearing exactly how one has overcome obstacles and has reached their goal. Just reaching the end of this term, and staying in school was a challenge.

I’ve been in constant pain from an injury. At a point when I was very discouraged, Sandy (my honors class teacher) stated that we make choices, and one of those choices is to be at this class today. I almost felt like she was talking directly to me. That moment will stay with me through the rest of my education. We do have choices. Tiny steps lead to what we are today.

I organized my portfolio to show where my career path began and where I’m at now.

First Post: “Goals are reached with consistence and persistence! Learning word press is a great way to track your achievements, because we easily forget how far we have come.”


Baby Steps Lead to Big Dreams!

Great ideas broken down into achievable steps can make life rewarding!

Impossible is possible as long as you don’t quit!

But in reality, humans are pretty slow. We want to climb Mount Everest in a day. Everything in today’s culture comes fast. Even the great idea’s quickly enter our mind, and leave just as fast if it’s not short term.

My goal is to get a degree and write a useful application.

Looking at this for a day or two can drive anyone insane! I’m like many programmers with my ups and downs. Data loss, stupid mistakes, and logic errors can cost tons of time. Even discourage one from completing a project. I never let these stop progression toward my goal.

overflow error?

I’ve been working on my project for many years. I guessed it would be completed within a year or two. That was in 2004. I never made a plan, but just plotted a course within my mind. Now that I think about it, if I had charted a course, I might have changed my mind before setting sail.

Coding takes many hours of research, planning, and debugging. As with anything, the more you practice the faster you get. I know more about how much time it will take to make a portion of my code happen. And once in a while I hit a rough spot that takes all day to fix. When that happens I’m relentless until it runs clean.

The fact is you reach your goals when you forgive yourself for not achieving within the time frame you wanted in the first place. When I reach a negative spot, I wait for the next day or two, when my energy level and attitude has changed. It’s that way with all my endeavors. Negative feelings are a part of living. We need to wait, not acting on those feelings. When were more optimistic, jump back in the game.

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